Town of Millston

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JULY 2022


The Town of Millston Board members met on Wednesday, July 13, 2022 at the Community Center. Meeting called to
order by Dan at 6:30pm. Board Members present: Dan Smrekar, Chairman, Dawn Wojtyla, Clerk, George Riedel,
Supervisor 1, Mike Yahn, Supervisor, and Sue Marcou, Treasurer.
Minutes from 6-8-2022 were reviewed, Motion to approve made by George, seconded by Mike. Motion carried.
? Dan wanted to thank Sue Marcou, Wendy Wright and all that were involved in putting together a successful
150th Celebration for Millston.
• Check number 17631 thru 17664 with 7 EFT for a total of $35,414.94. Check #17638 was VOIDED.
• Jackson County Zoning approved Petition Change #2202-13 for Roger Bible.
• Motion to accept clerk’s report made by Mike, seconded by George. Motion carried.
? Applications received for Alyssa Kleifgen and Sage Folgers for Millston Kwik Stop and Laura Delaney from TK's
400 Club.. Motion by George to approve applications as presented, seconded by Mike. Motion carried.
• Sue reported checking account balance as of 6-30-2022 is $357,970.44
• 2nd half of ARPA funds received and transferred into Savings account $8530.49.
• Motion to accept treasurer’s report made by George, seconded by Mike. Motion carried.
? Mike went over Dave's shop and equipment report.
? Some windows at CC are leaking - Quote from Rhodes Home Repair to replace 5 windows with supplies and
labor for $3840.00. Motion by Mike and seconded by Dan to accept quote and fix repairs. Motion carried.
? Culvert on Cranmore Road needs to be replaced. Johnson and Sons submitted quote for $7864.88 to replace
100' of 24" culvert including labor and supplies. Motion by George and seconded by Mike to accept quote and
replace culvert. Motion carried.
? 2010 F450 rocker panels are shot and need replacing. Quote received by Popps Auto Body for $3537.28 to
complete the job. Motion by George and seconded by Mike to accept quote and replace the rocker panels.
Motion carried.
? Old town residential lawn mower will not accommodate the towns needs. Town can purchase a new 2022
Hustler Cub Cadet commercial mower from Sport Country with a $2500 government discount and warranty for a
total of $7032.00. Motion by Mike and seconded by George to purchase mower. Motion carried.
? Salt Shed Quote previously received from Mid-State Door and Opener Company - Previous Motion to accept
Quote #2 made by Mike, seconded by George is no longer rescinded as it does include the correct door that the
town needs. Door will be ordered.
Mail/Vouchers reviewed and signed. Motion to Adjourn made by George, seconded by Mike.
Meeting Adjourned 7:06 pm.
Dawn M. Wojtyla, Clerk
Town of Millston

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