Town of Millston

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The Town of Millston Board members met on Wednesday, August 11, 2021 at the Community Center. Meeting called to order by Dan at 6:30pm. Board Members present: Dan Smrekar, Chairman, Dawn Wojtyla, Clerk, George Riedel, Supervisor 1, Mike Yahn, Supervisor, and Susan Marcou, Treasurer.
Minutes from 7-14-2021 were reviewed, Motion to approve previous minutes made by George, seconded by Mike. Motion carried.

Sue indicated that the Old Town hall was noted to not be worth repainting due to the deterioration of the wood - bottom corners rotting out - probably needs maintenance free siding, new windows and doors.
Sue stated that the Park had Larry Hicks put a proposal together for work needed in the Park which came to $5200.00 plus $600.00 for mulch. Park Commission will clean up the park themselves. Concession stand needs addressing also.
Concerns were raised with the AirBnb located on Lake Lee - the people renting the unit are having fires and leaving them unattended which is a fire hazard for the surrounding residents. Mike will call the owner to address this concern and warn him that further action could be taken if not fixed.
Check numbers 17343 thru 17363 with 2 EFT for a total of $82,870.89.
Fall Cleanup will be from September 1 thru September 15th.
Motion by George to accept the clerks reports as presented, seconded by Mike. Motion carried.

Operator application and license issued to the Millston Park Commission for their Labor Day celebrations. Motion by George to accept application and license as presented, seconded by Mike. Motion carried.

Sue reported checking account balance as of 7-30-21 is $313,113.79.
CD Information: 6MO due 9-24-21 $28,618.54; 12MO due 10-24-21 $28,420.04; 12MO due 1-12-22 $6,675.06; 18MO due 1-17-22 $26,618.96; 12MO due 4-26-22 $24,521.34 Motion by George to cash in the CD for 9-24-21 in the amount of $28,618.54 for unexpected expenses, seconded by Mike. Motion carried.
Motion to accept treasurer’s report made by Mike, seconded by George. Motion carried.

Roof/Ceiling BID awarded to Rhodes for $25,735.00 - Motion by Dan to have the Roof completed immediately for $375.00, seconded by George. Motion carried.
Mike went over Dave's shop and equipment report.

Mail/Vouchers reviewed and signed. Motion to Adjourn made by George, seconded by Mike.
Meeting Adjourned 7:22 pm.

Board Meeting September 15, 2021 @ 6:30pm

Dawn M. Wojtyla, Clerk
Town of Millston

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